
Birthday parties

in Katowice and Krakow

Spending time with a child promotes the development of a bond between them and the parent or caregiver. Spending time together helps develop a child’s sense of security and establish a good relationship within the family. How to spend time with a child so that adults can also relax? It doesn’t necessarily need to be in front of the TV…?

The following price list is for 1 attraction, and a minimum you need to buy is 2 games (attractions). Attractions can be combined (e.g., 1 block ER, another block VR)

Price list


    • Monday - Thursday:
      PLN 35 / person
    • Friday:
      PLN 45 / person
    • Saturday - Sunday:
      PLN 50 / person

    • Monday - Sunday:
      PLN 40 / person

    • Monday - Thursday:
      PLN 45 / person
    • Friday - Sunday:
      PLN 55 / person

Detailed information

  • The offer includes discounts on listed prices.

  • Non-refundable deposit of PLN 200 to be used at the Snack Bar (we suggest that you determine the menu in advance).

  • The cake and decorations are on you (after the client provides the decorations, the staff will use them to decorate the room).

  • The price includes a birthday room and services of a facilitator during the event.

  • The ER offer requires the participation of 2 adults or 1 adult and a facilitator (additional fee of PLN 50).

  • It is possible to order invitations at a price of PLN 2/pc.

  • The choice of VR games depends on the age of the participants. The VR price offer does not include games from Ubisoft.

By making a reservation, you declare that you have read the Rules and Regulations of Events read

Birthday offer for children

  • Escape Room

    • 15 min
      welcome and introduction
    • 60 min
      a visit to the Escape Room - 2 different rooms
    • 45 min
      food & drink, cake, gifts
    • 60 min
      second visit to the Escape Room - switching rooms
    • Total event time
      3 h
    • Minimum age of participants
      12 years old
  • Virtual Reality

    • 15 min
      welcome and introduction
    • 60 min
      first round of VR games - standard mode
    • 45 min
      food & drink, cake, gifts
    • 60 min
      second round of VR games - FreeRoam mode
    • Total event time
      3 h
    • Minimum age of participants
      10 years old

- types of attractions

  • Arena Laser Tag (only in Katowice)


    • 15 min
      welcome and introduction
    • 60 min
      first round of games at the Arena
    • 45 min
      food & drink, cake, gifts
    • 60 min
      second round of games at the Arena
    • Total event time
      3 h
    • Minimum age of participants
      8 years old
  • Laserowy Labirynt

    • 15 min
      welcome and introduction
    • 60 min
      first round - Laser Maze, foosball, dart (KRK), billiards (KAT)
    • 45 min
      food & drink, cake, gifts
    • 60 min
      second round - Laser Maze, foosball, dart (KRK), billiards (KAT)

Do you want to surprise someone?

Give the gift of fun and time spent with friends. At Mystery Machinery you can buy a voucher (gift card) for a game for any number of people, in any room (30 or 60 minute rooms), for a game of Laser Tag (30 or 60 minutes) or for a VR (Virtual Reality) game.


Asked Questions

What is the Escape Room Game all about?

Players are tasked with solving logic and dexterity puzzles to get out of the room where the Game takes place. Players have a set amount of time to complete all tasks (60min. or 30 min. depending on the Game chosen). Before the game begins, the Game Master, gives the players the necessary instructions and guidelines on the tasks that await them in the selected room. At any time during the Game, players have the opportunity to contact the Game Master and leave the room if necessary.

What is Laser Tag about?

This is a Laser paintball type game. Players are divided into teams that compete against each other to achieve the goal set in the chosen scenario. The goal of the game is to shoot down Players from the opposing team or to complete a task, such as occupying the opposing team’s base. Laser paintball, unlike classic paintball, is painless. After the game, only the memory of fun remains, not bruises. Only a beam of light is used for shooting, which is registered by special sensors placed on players’ vests. Before the start of the game, players will be given a briefing. The Game Master will issue weapons, vests and hand over the combat task to be completed for the teams.

What the Virtual Reality (VR) Arena about?

The virtual reality arena is a space where you have the opportunity to move into a world of virtual experiences. The arena has gaming stations players, equipped with a computer, wireless goggles and pads. Before the game, the Game Master gives an initial briefing, where they explain how to operate the goggles and control pads connected to them, and help choose the right game for both the age and skill of the players. After instruction, the players launch the selected game, which usually lasts 60 minutes or 30 minutes. The Game Master is constantly present at the arena to observe player actions and reactions – allowing them to answer questions and address the needs of players.

What the Laser Maze Game about?

Laser Maze is a game that takes place in a special room with laser beams and special buttons. The Player’s task is to take on the role of a burglar and nimbly overcome all the laser obstacles, and then return to the starting place by overcoming the same path of light obstacles.